I just have to say that I love these things! I bought these after one diaper change where Grayson got Steve IN THE EYE!!! I do have to say, I was proud of his aim! Steve did not appreciate the giggle attack I got after -- I was crying I was laughing so hard! But alas, Steve was not laughing, and used it as an excuse not to change any more diapers -- so I had to do something!!!! :) The pee pee tee pees aren't big and bulky like the cups you can buy -- and they're just terry cloth, so they're soft and easy to wash! I've only had them a few days, and I do have to say that they have saved me quite a few times -- and have saved a few clothing changes and extra baths! I love them! I think everyone with a boy should have them!!
This is so funny and Crazy. I had no idea something like this even existed. This just reminds me that I would have no idea what to do with a boy. I have seen some of the moms at church change their boys in the mothers lounge and I have to say they are 10 times faster at changing a diaper than I am.
That is hilarious! I have never heard of those before! Maybe if we have another boy, I will have to remember the Pee Pee Tee Pee.
I LOVE them! They have saved me many a time.
That is really funny! It reminds me of a time when a new Dad asked me how he could get his baby to stop peeing when he changed his diaper... he was thinking of tickling him... we just laughed. My sister knows someone who saves her sacrament cup to use for the same thing... I could not do that!
I always wondered about them, now I know.
YAY!!! I have witnessed the grand event of Grayson's perfect timing. Danielle was telling me about these.. how ingenious! They're so cute too. Way better than a cup. :) haha!
wow - I should have invented that ! I used to just use one of the little tiny wash cloths you could get for little babies - - - now you can let him be in the nude sometimes ??? teehee - - How is Steve now ? hahahahaaaaaaaa - got a love it ! the nana lowe
I saw these one time and laughed so hard! I never had a need for them. Somehow I escaped that problem with Linc.
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