Gray and I were playing with letter magnets on the fridge today -- I'd hold out a letter, ask him what it was, and he'd tell me. Which in itself is pretty darn smart, I think! He knows all his letters! But then he totally baffled me: he pointed to the 'L' and said "Lion! Roaarrr!"; pointed to the 'H' and said "Hippo!!!!"; pointed to the 'Z' and said "BraBra!"(that's how he says 'zebra'!); pointed to the 'E' and said "Ele! phhhhhhhbbt!"(that's the sound elephants make, if you didn't know). I just sat in stunned silence. Are you kidding me? HE'S TWO!! And he already correlates animals with the letters they begin with?!? I think I learned that in 1st grade........... :) Sheesh this boy is a smarty pants!!! :D
YES he is ! I knew it all along :)
That is why nan taught him to say I'M SMART ! teeheee
wow that is super smart!! Must be the extra smarty pants genes he's getting from his parents
i still don't quite grasp that idea, can you have gray teach me?
I have been trying to get ahold of you but the number that is in the ward directory is wrong. I needed to see if you could make something for the babe. If you could call me, that would be great :)
I have been trying to get ahold of you but the number that is in the ward directory is wrong. I needed to see if you could make something for the babe. If you could call me, that would be great :)
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