How STINKIN' CUTE is my little guy?! :) Here he is in his cute Easter outfit!! Gray was in LOVE with these ducklings -- they were so cute! He didn't want to touch them, but he got WAY upset if you tried to put them away. He told everyone he saw about the "DUCKS! QUACK QUACK!" for DAYS after this!! :)
Awesome pictures by my friend Amy Call -- http://amycallphotography.blogspot.com
We had our own little Easter egg hunt/Easter baskets on Saturday. Here is Gray's stash:
I made him some little chick friends. Here's how they start out:
Then off comes the top:
And here they are all the way hatched!! :)
Here is Steve being all excited with his basket :) Hehe -- I threatened him that this would go on the blog -- I make good on my threats! Bwa ha ha ha haaaaa!
Steve's basket/my basket -- without Steve's fat head in the way ;)
Here is Gray when he found his basket after his nap.
He loved his little airplane and train! And his Pez dispenser Buzz Lightyear!
He wasn't too interested in finding eggs, but he found a few of em -- and loved the treats inside.
He was giving the egg a hug :)
Here are a few of the eggs we dyed for our family -- my "Mom" one bled, but the "Dad" and "Grayson" ones are very cute still
I didn't take pictures today, but I will document what we did. It was quite the fun-filled day!! We started out the day by going to my parents' house for breakfast (YUMMY french toast, deviled eggs, bacon, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries! Mmmmmmmm); then we watched/listened to conference and kept Grayson and Rowan entertained with their new Easter toys/treats; we kept Trent entertained by talking about Samoa cookies.
During the break, we went to Steve's Grandma's house for lunch (ham, seafood salad, veggies, fruit, dutch-oven chicken, and apple-Snickers salad), the annual Easter egg scavenger race (I SO kicked trash at it this year -- I came in like 3rd I think! I have done this race for 5 years, and I have ALWAYS come in dead last -- allow me to gloat a bit over my relative victory). Don't worry, Lincoln -- someday (like in 5 years), you too will come in 3rd.
The rest of the fam headed out for the egg roll (someone tell me who won!), while we loaded up to get Gray home in time to take a nap (he was fading fast -- it was 2 hrs past his nap-time). We got home, Gray took a nap, Steve and I listened to more conference.
When Gray woke up, we went to Steve's parents' house -- we ate, we played, we had lots of fun! :) Gray got spoiled AGAIN, and got some fun new toys. We now have amassed enough Easter candy to put a small country into a sugar coma. As I post this, I am even now eating a delicious mini KitKat. Yum yum yum! I love Easter!
Lest you think Easter is all about the candy for me, I will also point out that our FHE last Monday was all about the resurrection, and we will repeat the story again tomorrow (all about the repetition with the 2-yr-old). We also said special prayers together, and talked frequently of Christ throughout our Easter celebrations. We are infinitely grateful for Christ, and his atonement and resurrection!
Happy Easter, everyone!
Easter is so fun, those pictures of him are super cute. I might just have to give this amy lady a call.
What a handsome little guy. Way to go on your 3rd place victory! Sounds like you guys had some fun adventures.
yum yum! Yes Easter is always a memorable feasting time. Cute post! Long live the Samoan children!!!
Those pictures are adorable. What a cute little boy.
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