Monday, March 9, 2009
My Little Stuffed Friends
Ok, so I'm thinking of opening an Etsy shop. I like making things, and I would like to make a little extra cash! :) So here's my dilemma: What do I sell?? I've made felt brooches, so I could make those or headbands -- little baby/little girl headbands seem to be quite popular right now. Or I could paint wooden letters like I did for Grayson's name train. I can make crocheted hats and/or blankets, too. I'm also currently working on a few projects: I love crocheting, and I'm teaching myself how to make crocheted stuffed animals. So far, I've made an elephant, a bunny (I personally LOVE the bunny, but I've always loved bunnies), and a carrot rattle for the bunny. I'm going to make a monkey, giraffe, lion, pig, etc. And I'm also making Grayson a Bible activity book. I'll post pictures when I'm done :). I think I'm leaning toward selling the stuffed animals. They seem like they're pretty popular right now, and *I* sure think they're cute!! Here's my question, and be honest: Do YOU think they're cute enough? Do you think anyone would want to buy them?? Or do my other ideas sound better? If the activity book turns out cute, I'll probably sell those, too. So everyone leave me a comment and let me know what you think! Animals, brooches/pins, headbands/hairclips, hats/blankets, painted letters, or activity books! Or any combination of the above! :) Here are the pics of the animals I've made so far:

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ADORABLE ! great job mantha - - I love the elephant ! You go girl - I know you will sell some. could you take some to April's craft fair?
good job - - - and all by your own self - you are very talented.
Awesome Mantha I had no idea. The elephant is the best. Really I think any of it would sell. Etsy is great. YOu could do a whole mismash of stuff, rattles, toys, blankets and beanies. It could be a yarn shop. Love it. Sarah could help contribute with her cute booties.
My grandma crochets the grandkids little animals and they absolutely love them. She even made them a nativity set that they love. I think your animals could do well. Good luck
The elephant is darling!! I also love the carrot for the bunny. I've never seen that type of thing before, and I would for sure buy one if I had an animal theme for my baby's room. So cute!
You could sell a bunch of stuff on etsy. It seems like everything you mentioned is baby themed, so why not have a type of baby boutique or something and sell it all?
You are very talented. I have never heard of etsy before...I just checked it out and it seems like it is a great place to sell things. I think all the ideas are adorable.
Ohhh so darn cute Manth! Yah I'd definitely pitch in to your yarn shop with my booties. :) You are toooo talented. I dreamt last night that I was making these little fun games for kids, and I was so sad when I woke up and they weren't there. I had spent sooo much time on them! haha
I'm excited to see your activity book for Gray!
Definitely go for it, you'll do awesome I bet.
I think you could sell all of those things!! and even on Ebay if you wanted! they are way cute!
Wow! Those are so cute! I with I could do something like that! I think they'd sell for sure! I know I'd buy one! I can't believe your talent, talk to April about getting in her craft fair!
Those are so cute! I like the idea of doing all kinds of baby things. I think hair stuff is kind of hard to sell because there are so many people doing it. I've been wanting to get Savannah a crocheted beanie. You know the kind that you can clip a flower to. Could you make that?
Oh those are cute. Make some butterflies and I will buy them. :)I need something else for Emmie's room. I am also always looking for cute headbands although I am not a fan of the HUGE flowers on top, just cute little things. I would buy something like that from you. Why not try and make some extra income if you are making them for fun anyway??
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