Here he is with the piglets ("pig-gies!!")
"Baaaa"ing at the sheep
This sheep liked Gray -- as soon as it saw him, it trotted (do sheep trot?!) right over, stuck it's nose right through the slats, and tried to sniff him :)
The cute rabbits! Gray didn't actually want to hold them, or pet them, but he loved looking! :)
Fun chickens! I love how he says chicken sounds - "Bawk ba-GAWK!"
With the goats -- these are the first things we saw, and he was LOVING IT -- then he was chasing one of them around these rocks, and it jumped right in front of him -- very close -- and startled him! He started screaming, and we left the pen after that :)
Cute baby Rowan with the goat
Gray LOVED the horses -- kept neighing at them, saying "BIIIIIG!!!", etc :) We spent most of the time right there by the horses!
If this face doesn't say "beyond-excited toddler", I don't know what does!
Gray loved the horses so much, he kept running away from me -- seriously RUNNING as fast as he could -- to go back to them :)
The highlight of the trip: the "COW!!!!"
Gray was looking for cows all day -- we finally found them at the end -- The volunteer let him into the pen, and I didn't think I would ever get him out again!!! He loved that cow!! :)
There were also the CUTEST baby bears -- but I was carrying Grayson at that point, and didn't get any pictures. They were adorable though! (OO - Sarah just sent me a picture she took! Behold the cuteness!!!!)
The animals are only there until Sunday, so go SOON!! :) Well worth it! What a great day! Gray is STILL talking about it!!
Yes!! So fun. Thanks for having this great idea. I bet Grayson just keeps saying COW HORSE, over and over. I'm glad he took such a good nap for ya after too!
So cute and so fun. You are such a good mom.
How fun!! I wish we could go!! Those pics are so cute!
I heard about that and from your pictures I wish we would have went!!! HOW fun!!! That baby bear is adorable.
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