Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Favorite Deal Sites

Ok, so I keep telling people about these awesome websites, and I thought I should put them all in one place. I check all of them every day :) So here they are, in no particular order: (click on the words in CAPS to go to the website)

PEACHY CHEAP -- a new scrapbook-related deal every day (changes at midnight)
BABY STEALS -- a new baby-related deal every day (changes at 9 am -- and if you're in the Murray, UT area, you can even go pick it up yourself and not pay for shipping!! ditto for all three of the "Steals" sites -- babysteals, kidsteals, and scrapbooksteals)
WOOT -- a new deal every day -- can be anything really -- I've gotten a Dyson vacuum, a screaming monkey toy, a humidifier, etc etc -- no real theme to this one -- just great deals! Lately, they've had mostly electronics like laptops and cameras. But I check it every day just because when you find a great deal, it's a GREAT deal! (My vacuum was $200 cheaper than retail) -- new deal every day at 11 pm
KIDS.WOOT same as Woot -- just kids themed. Usually toys, but sometimes great gear (car seats, high chairs, etc), or educational material (baby signing time DVDs, language books, etc)
FREEBIES 2 DEALS This may be my favorite site of all. It's not a store -- it's a blog about current deals going on -- where to find free samples, where there are super-good sales, how to make the most of coupons, etc. I have this site on my google reader, so I get updates as soon as they're posted :) You can also sign up for email updates.

Ok, so there are my favorite "deals" sites! I hope they're helpful to someone else :D

***************ALSO: The gal that runs the Freebies 2 Deals website is having a Coupon Conference in a few weeks (read all about it HERE) which I am super excited about! I'm new to the whole couponing thing, and I feel like I need some help -- she's got tons of tips and tricks she's going to be sharing. And it's not just the clipping kind of couponing -- it's how to get the best deals on EVERYTHING you buy/how to get things for free -- in stores and online! It's March 20th from 11am-1pm at the SLCC campus. It's completely sold out, but *I* got 2 tickets! Two, because I HATE going to these kind of things alone. SO! My question is: WHO WANTS TO COME WITH ME?!?!??! I bought them early, and with a coupon code, so your ticket would only be $5! Wa HOO!! Anyway, if you're interested, send me an email!!*****************


Unknown said...

Cool Manth! man I'd go if I were there. bummmmER!
But have fun and give me the scoop. I'm going to a grocery smarts coupon class this Saturday~ happy to learn more!
ps, I also like the pinching your pennies newsletter they send out!~ I've found a lot of great deal-ios on there.

Unknown said...

oh ps, I am Sarah your sister. Willows is our ward babysitting co-op sign on for the google calendar.