Ok, so I talked to my manager, and it's not possible right now to cut back to only 4 hours a month like I wanted to. So now it's either 1)quit completely (I can keep my nursing license active by doing continuing education online) OR 2)cut back to 8 hours every other week. I would still have to go to staff meetings and do additional on-call shifts though -- an extra 12 hours a month. This is a little more than I want to do -- it still seems like too much time away from baby Gray! BUT it REALLY scares me to quit completly! Steve keeps saying he knows for sure that we'll be fine financially, so it's not really that -- it's that me havin a job is my safety net!! I feel a lot safer knowing that I have a job, in case something happens and Steve loses his job, or we have some medical emergency/car crisis/other major financial hit -- so if something like that happens, I can pick up extra shifts to pick up the slack. If I quit, there's no quarantee that I could get my job back if I needed to!! Oh dear! I just don't know what to do!!!!! SO I posted another poll for everyone to vote on! Should I follow my logical brain and keep my job? Or should I follow my heart and quit my job, and put my faith in God to make everything right?!
Oh Sam, that is quite the conundrum! I know I am not a mother and don't have room to counsel on such things but...I think the fact that you said "follow your heart" is a sign. yes your head says something different but the spirit doesn't speak through your head-but through your heart. Not that it'd be wrong to stay with what you are already doing but the feelings you get when you leave that cute little guy is someone nudging you in a specific direction. Decide through fasting and prayer and you will be blessed if you follow the spirit.
You could see if you can switch to per diem. That way you don't have to take the extra call shift and you really can work whatever you want. You do have to get 300 hrs/year. That is about 5 per week so you can work 8 every other week or 4 every week and even miss a couple. Staff meetings are still required. That is just a few extra hours every month in short little intervals. OH, and the greatest part....you are 1st to be called off, but still get credit for your hours. And since you aren't getting benifits through work anyway you might as well see if you can, you will get a nice little raise in pay too! See if she will let you switch. It's worth a shot.
Yeah, I tried that already -- I asked Amy about it, but there's still a freeze on changing anyone to Per Diem, so unfortunately, that isn't an option!!! :(
Think about it, pray about it, and you will get your answer. I can't tell you what I would do because everyones situation is different you have to do what is right for your family. Good luck getting an answer!
What a hard decision. I am so sorry, I know how much you love nursing but also want to stay home. Just go with your gut I say. Nurses are always needed so if in a few months it doesn't work out you can always find a job. Hey at least you have a degree, I am a loser and only got an associates, so I'm doomed if something happens. I say be with your babe, but really only you will know. Pray fast, what ever you do will be right. Love that babe.
Oh goodness gracious my dearest Mantha. Dang it, so hard! I have equal conundrums going on in my head and just keep thinking that I'll decide later~ I feel like working a LITTLE bit is the way for me, if that works out. It might not be for you if you feel that in your heart!!! Arghhhh
But April is right, I think you would be able to get another job in nursing if something happened, heaven forbid.
What a hard decision to make. Why don't you try the cut back hours and see how you feel? If you still feel it is too much and not where you need to be then you have your answer. You might like being able to get out of the house every other week for a few hours of work and will still have a ton of time with Gray. I am dreading leaving Emmy in a few weeks but I also love my job. It is such a hard decision but each person is different. You have to do what YOU think is best. :)
That is a hard decision! Don't feel alone, there are a lot of mothers who have had to make the same choice and it's not easy. I would say go with what will make you happy. If you want to keep your job and have that "you" time, then do it! But it you want to quit and be with Gray all the time then that's good too - I don't think there is a wrong answer, I just think you just have to do what you will be the most happy with. I'm sure whatever you choose will be the best for you and your family.
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