This weekend, Steve and I went on trip for our 5th Anniversary!! Wow, I can't believe it's been 5 years! We didn't go far -- just Provo-area -- but we had some very much-needed relaxation and alone-time! This was the first time I've left Grayson -- and it was HARD!! I really missed him! But he had a great time staying with his Nana and Poppa!
Unfortunately, we discovered there was no battery in the camera AFTER we were already in the hotel, so I don't have any pictures, but I want to at least write about it all. Steve and I pretty much took it easy the whole time -- it was nice not having an agenda or anything -- we just did what we wanted to do, when we wanted to do it! On Friday, we went to the Cheesecake Factory -- and I am in LOVE!! We had these fried artichoke hearts that were to DIE for -- and cheesecake that was even BETTER!!! MMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm my mouth is watering just thinking about it :) And we walked around a bookstore and just held hands and meandered :) Then we snuggled and watched a movie in bed. Saturday, I slept in til ELEVEN!!!!!! Can you believe it?! It was absolutely BLISSFUL!!!!!!! Then we drove down to the Manti Temple! It's my favorite temple ever! I wanted to get married there, but we decided to get sealed in the Ogden temple instead -- so I wanted to head down there and do a session for our anniversary! It was BEAUTIFUL!! Inside and out!! It was the perfect way to celebrate -- and so peaceful! I'm excited to go back! Then we drove back to the hotel, went and got awesome pizza, and saw the new Harry Potter movie -- good stuff! :) Sunday, we just took it easy and lounged around and snuggled and giggled and had fun. Monday, (our actual anniversary day) we drove north, and on our way we went to IKEA!! I've never gone there before, and I was in HEAVEN! Oh my goodness -- it was awesome! We stayed in there for hours! I tell ya, any time I need anything, I'm going there first!! :) We got so many things for SUCH good bargains!!!!! And getting good bargains make me SOOO happy! We got: 18 pieces of child flatware, 6 cups, 6 plates, 6 bowls, a shelf and brackets, 3 magnetic strips w magnets, a step-stool, a bib/bowl/cup set, two basting brushes, and a little table for Gray -- all for $60!!! WOWZA!! Hehe -- it makes me happy just thinking about it!! :D I love that it's good quality stuff, too! Well worth the drive to Draper for it! It is my new favorite store!! Ok, moving on -- after IKEA, we went to the Gateway and meandered some more :) Then we went to the Anniversary Inn and stayed in the Carriage Suite -- it was quite fun! The room was made to look like an outdoor cobble-stone street, and the bed was in the back of an old carriage! It was really fun! And the bed was very comfy -- an Intelli-Gel mattress -- awesome! We went to dinner at P.F. Chang's -- Steve's absolute favorite place to eat -- and it was where we ate on the night Steve proposed -- so it's nostalgic :) Then today (Tuesday morning) we headed home, but driving down 400 S., we hit a pothole in the road -- hard. And got a flat tire. Yup. It sucked. We drove a little way down the freeway before we realized it, and had to pull over on an emergency pull-out. Steve got out to change the tire, and discovered that the new wheels he bought a few months ago had different lugnuts on it, and he couldn't change it by himself. So we had to call the tire place, and wait an hour for the guy to come with a 'key' to unlock the lugnuts. Then Steve put the spare on, we drove to the tire place, and spent our grocery money on a new tire. I guess I'll be getting really creative with our meals the next few weeks. But after a few hours hold-up, we got to come home and see Grayson :) And that was the best part!! Well, okay, maybe the sleeping in past 7 am was the best part. ;)
Steve-o, you're the best husband I could ever ask for! You are absolutely wonderful, and I love you with all my heart! Thanks for making the last 5 years the best of my life! Lovest you! 1437 ;)
Happy Anniversary to the two of you. Sounds like you guys had a super fun time (minus the flat).
I would have to agree that being away from the kiddos is the hardest thing about vacations.
How fun! Sounds like you guys had a really nice anniversary!! Glad you were able to get away.
I bet Gray was soooo excited to see you guys too. And I bet he loved staying with Nana! It really would be hard to leave for a few days! But I'm so glad you guys had a nice romantic time. :)
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Yay! I'm glad you guys had such a nice time. And I feel your pain as far as the pot holes-SLC roads are the worst and I think they may swollow my car whole one of these days!
I miss you!!!!!!!!!
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