(Gray hanging out with his Uncle JD in his sports car! Apparently my brother thinks Grayson will help him pick up chicks!;) hehe)
(Here he is talking! All the time! :)

My baby really isn't such a baby anymore :( It makes me sad! Grayson is 11 months old today! And he's getting so big!! I really can't call him my baby, cuz he's more of a toddler now. So I call him my Munchkin! He is such a sweet boy -- he loves to snuggle, and he gives me hugs and kisses now :) He say 'mama' (SOOO sweetly, too! It's my favorite!), 'dada', 'woof', 'up' (usually "uupppppppphhhh), 'babana' (banana), 'bebe' (binki), 'HEY' (usually when you leave him behind the baby gate and he wants to get out), 'hi', and 'bye' (that's the newest - today, actually!). He waves now, too -- so cute! He's getting pretty good at the walking thing -- he's still pretty shaky, but he can make it across a room without holding on to anything. He can even bend over, or squat down, then stand back up and keep going. And he can turn around (slowly) while standing, too! What a big boy!! He's still my little clingy monkey-boy -- likes to be stuck on my hip all day long - if I let him stay there! And if he's not on my hip, he is getting into everything --he figured out how to open the cupboards and loves to pull everything out -- or he's climbing on something -- his baby gate, the chairs, his changing table, the dog, etc... Whoever says boys aren't hardwired to be "boys" from birth is smoking something. He is 100% boy!!!!! And I'm loving every minute of it! I am SO happy that I get to stay home with him and see him explore and discover and make messes! I can't tell you how many times I've re-rolled the TP back onto the roll, or put all the pans and cookie sheets back under the counter, or mopped up the water he splashes ALL over the bathroom at bath time! But hearing his little squeals of excitement, and seeing him look up at me like "See what I can do, Mom?!" just makes it all worthwhile! I just can't believe how much more I love him every single day!! And how could I NOT, with a face like this?! :)
Samantha your baby is DARLING and I loved this post. You are such a sweet mother and I'm so happy for you.
I can't believe how big he is getting. He is such a handsome little guy.
I hope that you are enjoying being home with Gray.
isn't being a mom the greatest...we should have him come over and teach Brylee and thing or two about walking...she just isn't having it.
Oh I love those munchkin Gray pics! I'm so happy you put a lot of pictures on here of him, so I can see him!!! I love the ones with his binky in, where he's staring up with those GORGEOUS huge blue eyes. Oh I love him I love him I love him
He is so stinking cute! Your gonna have your hands full when he get older. Glad your doing well.
Babies grow up way too fast! It's like you blink and they are bigger! He is so dang cute!
hey thanks! ill need all the luck i can get with planning the wedding. i cant wait for it all though!.... i am so jealous, grayson seriously is one of the cutest babies i have ever seen! hope to see you guys soon!
He totally looks like such a big boy! I really love the pic of you and him - so cute!!!
He is SOOO cute....That picture of the two of you is adorable. His eyes are beautiful!!!!
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