Sunday, August 12, 2012

Grayson's Diagnosis

I just wanted to share some information about Grayson -- I figure if you're reading my blog, you must care enough about our family to know :) .  He has just been officially diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and Anxiety Disorder with OCD tendencies and Sensory Processing Disorder.  Aspergers is on the high-functioning end of the Autism spectrum.  This diagnosis has given us a lot of answers as to why he acts the way he does, and we are getting him into some therapies soon.  There is no "cure" for Aspergers, and he'll have to deal with his challenges his whole life, but since we're getting him help early on, his prognosis is good.  If you'd like to read more about what Aspergers is, what it's like to be him, the specifics of his disorder, etc., I'm including a link to a fantastic website about those very things:

(go to this website and click on the blue links)

I hope this gives you a little more insight into what Grayson is going through, and that you will be patient with all of us as we help him with his challenges.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


Amy said...

Samantha- you are the best little mama and you have the cutest little boys EVER! Grayson is such a sweet boy and is so lucky to have a mom and dad that are willing to get things checked out and help him to function as best as he can! He is seriously so cute and fun! I really think we need to get together and let Boen and Grayson play! REal soo! Good luck with the therapies, he'll do awesome!

Pieces of Us said...

Grayson is such a sweet boy and will do amazingly well. You and Steve are such great parents.

Our Family said...

I just came across your blog from another person's blog. I have a sweet nephew who was diagnosed with Asperger's. His mom is a wonderful advocate who loves to help others. IT is a scary time but her now 6 year old is in regular first grade and doing realitivly well. I would love to put you in touch with her if you are interested. It has been wonderful to watch him progress as he has been in different therapies. Good luck. IT is a long road but so worth it.

Sarah said...

You have such handsome boys! I think Grayson will do really well in his therapies. You two are such awesome parents!

anne said...

I love this boy and his amazing talents ! He is my super hero !!!

April said...

Oh Mantha you are an amazing mom!! He is the cutest/sweetest little boy! I bet you feel some relief in finally getting some answers. I'm sure he'll go on to do some amazing things with parents like you!

anne said...

This is great information and very helpful ! Seems you have been doing a LOT of the things suggested long before now - - - you are the perfect mommy for Gray - well of course you are - that is WHY you are :D

behoxer said...

Samantha, you are such a great mom and person! You will do a terrific job with your sweet boy!

Ty and Ber said...

Good luck with the therapies. He is lucky to have a good mommy and daddy like you guys.