Well, my baby is now 18 months old! Can you believe it?! *I* sure can't! He's getting too big, too fast!! We had his regular check-up, and the doctor says he's growing well, and is very healthy. He's still very skinny and tall -- he's just over 23 lbs, ... and I don't know exactly how tall he is. The medical assistant measured him, but when I looked at the graph they gave us, it said he was 83 inches. And I'm preeeeeetty sure my one-year-old is NOT almost 7 feet tall. Yeah. I think it's wrong. But it's pretty funny that that is going to be in his medical records :) I'm guessing he's somewhere around 36 inches tall -- though I guess she could have just typed it backwards, and he could be 38 inches tall. Anyway, the doc also said that Gray is super-coordinated and very articulate for his age :D (proud mommy moment!) He was very impressed by all the words Gray knows, and how he speaks in short sentences. Yeah, I have a smart kiddo :) I was very happy that Gray didn't need any shots this time -- he's completely up-to-date on all of his vaccinations! Yippee!! Grayson was ALSO very happy with this, and accepted his lollipop from the MA with a shocked sort of look on his face, like "What, that's it?! You're not going to torture me first?!?!" It was quite funny.
Then, today was Grayson's very first venture into Nursery at church! I have to say, I was a bit nervous, because Gray is a VERY shy boy, and does NOT like new people and situations! But I went in with him,(he had to pull me behind him everywhere he went - even when he was going two steps away! Guess he needed some reassurance that I was still there) and he seemed to have a great time! He loved exploring all the new toys, enjoyed his teddy grahams, and even clapped along to a few of the songs. However, it all went downhill pretty fast because of a few simulaneously occuring circumstances: 1)it was way past his nap time, 2)I made him put away the cow and horse toys he had toted around for the whole hour -- it was time to clean up, and he needed to follow the rules, too! He didn't like that... and 3) an older boy decided he didn't want Grayson to sit by him, and showed his displeasure by kicking Gray in the head. Needless to say, that was the last straw, and Gray grabbed my hand, pulled me quickly to the door (sniffling the whole way) and pounded on the door, saying "out! out! out!" and looking up at me with puppy-dog eyes and a quivering lip! So we left an hour early and put him down for a nap. All in all, I'm counting it as a success! I think he'll do better little by little every week (at least that's what I'm HOPING!). *sigh* my little baby isn't a baby -- he's a little BOY now!! :)